Managing wild horses in Kosciuszko National Park Maintaining the balance between protecting the park and the heritage value of wild horses is a complex task.photo_cameraOpen description Vegetation regrowth after bushfire in Kosciuszko National Park closeClose descriptionImage Credit: John Spencer/DCCEEW Amending the management plan The Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan has been amended to authorise aerial shooting as a control method.east Managing wild horse impacts Protecting the environmental and cultural values of Kosciuszko National Park.east Tracking the wild horse population National Parks and Wildlife Service uses scientific surveys to reliably estimate Kosciuszko National Park’s wild horse population.east Implementing the 2021 wild horse management plan National Parks and Wildlife Service undertakes control of wild horses in Kosciuszko National Park.east Kosciuszko Community Wild Horse Advisory Panel The panel advises on managing a sustainable wild horse population in Kosciuszko National Park.east Rehoming wild horses The Wild Horse Rehoming Program has recommenced.east