A NSW Government website

Other heritage funding opportunities

If your project is not eligible for a heritage grant, learn about other opportunities for funding and support for heritage projects.


Various other funding programs open and close all year round. Some of the programs that we are aware of are listed here.

NSW Government grants

All NSW Government grants are advertised through the NSW Government’s grants and funding webpage.

For businesses

Search for grants available to businesses from across government with the Australian Government's Grants and programs finder.

For projects on Aboriginal land

The NSW Environmental Trust offers the Protecting our Places program to support projects that restore or rehabilitate land that is culturally significant to Aboriginal people, as well as education.

Local council grants

Many local councils in New South Wales provide small grants to assist heritage projects.

Find your local council and check whether it offers grants through its local heritage fund.

For special collections

The Copland Foundation offers grants for the study, management, conservation, acquisition, and interpretation of collections.

The National Library of Australia’s Community Heritage Grants provide grant support for the preservation of locally owned, but nationally significant, collections of materials that are publicly accessible.

The Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme provides grants for maritime collection management, conservation and presentation.

Museums and Galleries NSW offers a range of community grants programs.

Create NSW provides a range of funding programs that can assist with collections management, exhibitions, display, education and training programs. Some funding is also available for capital work projects.

For local history projects

The Royal Australian Historical Society offers support for local history projects.

For war memorials

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs provides funding under the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program to conserve and upgrade existing memorials and improve safety and access to them or construct new memorials where none exist.

The NSW Office for Veterans’ Affairs has established the Community War Memorials Fund to help protect and restore war memorials across New South Wales.

For community development

ClubsNSW offers grants to community groups and charities to support community welfare and development.

For transport heritage

The Royal Australia Historical Society administers the Transport Heritage Grants Program, which provides support to organisations and individuals to preserve, explore and promote the history of land-based mass transport in New South Wales.

For infrastructure projects

The Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund supports regional infrastructure projects.

Create NSW supports new and improved cultural infrastructure through the Creative Capital program.

For maritime heritage

The Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme offers funding to regional museums and organisations to help preserve or display objects of national and historical maritime significance. It also supports staff or volunteers from remote or regional organisations to spend time learning specific skills and making valuable connections.

Find out more at Australian National Maritime Museum Funding for Maritime Heritage

Contact us

Heritage NSW

Phone: 02 9873 8500

Email: [email protected]