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Register koala sightings in the Clarence Valley

18 Sep 2019
Koala safety & healthKoala habitat

Clarence Valley Council is working with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment through a NSW Environment Trust grant to deliver improved outcomes for koalas.

Learn more about the project in this short film.

The project is collecting koala sightings through an online register. The register will help council gather data on koala locations to learn about why koalas prefer a particular habitat, why certain habitats contain more individuals than other similar habitats, and why koalas are declining from particular areas.

This information can help determine the conservation value of regional zones and inform management guidelines for natural resources.

The Koalas in the Clarence Valley register is live and Clarence Valley Council encourages the community to get involved and register a sighting.

Council is also seeking suggestions for koala release sites. If you think your property has suitable koala habitat, nominate it! The nomination will help council to develop a list of suitable locations, with this information provided to WIRES.

For more information, please contact the Clarence Valley Council Natural Resource Management team.